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Overview of Projects


Helix5 participates in several European Union granted projects. most recently in 

IV4J   – Innovate Vocational Education and Training

2. FitPed   – Work-Based Learning in Future IT Professionals Education

3. MakeItReal - STEAM education through real product design: 3D Priting

4. Construit!- Project on Empirical Modelling for Education

5. IRNet    - International Research Network for Intercultural Competences

6. EduSimSteam Project, fostering STEAM education in schools

7. FitPed AI- Future IT Professionals Education in Artificial Intelligence

8. Skillability - Skillability Marketplace, a safe and supported webspace for people challenged with a disability. 

9. NeWork - increase educators knowledge in training young adults with autism on soft skills 

10. Dbias - Toward a new educational paradigm

11. EmoRobo, a study across different cultures, educational systems and populations

12. Human Times, physical therapy as a tool for developing social-emotional, non-verbal communication and relationship skills of youngsters with       Autism Disorder

13. Power of Creativity, strengthening the supporting role the adult educators working with disabled

14 .Dialogic Minds; foster the social inclusion of adult mental health users with the implementation of a Successful Educational Action: Dialogic Literary Gatherings

Helix5 clients are located in:




Human capital development for education, training and labour market reforms systems



Valaya University

Improvement quality international  exchange



Alagappa university

Philosophy in education



South Africa

North-West University

PhD screencasts as a teaching and learning toolkit




Visual analysis



Network event

The internet community


South Korea

Kyungsung University

Design, organize and identify Film Festival conference



Yough Europe Service

Creative reuse of abandoned materials



Philips/university campus Fryslan

Sustainable factory for a green future



European Commission

Reviewer and evaluator Framework programme 7 (FP7)



Stichting Beta dag

Serious gaming



Government and ICT, market study and exploitation scenario's



Entrepreneurship and innvation



University of Joensuu (Finland)

Lecturer for the International Multidisciplinary PhD Studies in Educational Technology (IMPDET) programme



Inderscience Publishing House

The international journal of web based communities

executive editor, responsible for the content of the journal and the selection of autors and articles



Inderscience Publishing House

International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning

guest editor, initiating special issues around new developments around life long leasrning




Activity to connect technology to SMEs.



Ministry of education (Russia)

Evaluation Russion R&D projects on educational science



Research executive Agency (Brussels)

Evaluation of research Proposals in FP7, several calls



Ministry of education of Thailand

Quality assessment and evaluation of exchange programmes



Informa UK

Introducing the language of the news



National Agency Lifelong Learning

Project on knowledge multimedia database of best practices for innovation experts



UNESCO moskou

Host delegation



Mother Theresia University (India)

Dr thesis on information technology

Cape Peninsula University of Technology (South Africa)

supervision of Dr thesis on information Technology



Royal Ten Cate (NL)

Development of blue print for the web communication worldwide



University of Twente

Organisation of course for aspirant students



University of Twente (NL

Preparation of a report on the ICT effects in Education / Life Long Learning for the EU SMART project



European Union

Project Grundtvig 2 Learning Partnership "Piazza Natura"



Ministry of Economic Affairs

Project DIME - Distributed Interactive Medical Exploratory for 3D Medical Images



Dutch Science Organisation

Evaluating proposals related to the open competition Strand of the Societal and the Behavioural Sciences



Ministry of Education

Consultancy for the Government of Singapore



Finnish Academy of Sciences

Consultancy for the Finnish Academy of Sciences



Fontys University of Applied Sciences

Holding lectures for teachers on the usage of ICT in teaching



European Union

Project MYSELF on learning with modern technology



European Union

EU Minerva Project : Adapting curricula and drafting new curricula for embedding of VR (virtual reality) technologies into education



Dutch Science Organisation

Evaluation of the national policy and related research agenda for ICT in Education



Institute for Teacher Training, Sapporo

Elaboration of a framework explaining inertia in didactics when using ICT in teaching



European Commission

Frame work program 6: The European research area, innovation




Policy guidelines: ICT role in secondary education for the knowledge society. Target group: ministers and high rank decision makers



Faculty of Education, Hyogo University, Yashiro

Integrating web-based learning support in teacher training curricula



National Expert Center Courseware development

Cooperative learning:  learn to cooperate and  learn by cooperation



European Commission

Frame work program 5: European Union's research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) activities.


Turkey, Cyprus andJordan

Ege University

INCO-DC project. "Training teacher educators for using computer-based cognitive technologies in teaching and learning"




Euromedia, distributed multi media achives



European Union

Project “Multimedia for Telematic Networks” with partners in Moscow/RF, Kaunas/LT, Kiev/UA, Sofia/BG, and Exeter/UK



MILIA Congress for Media Design, Cannes

MILIA d'Or Awards: Carrying out the pre-selection in the area "Educational Multimedia Programs"



Calderdale municipality

Development of Public information kiosks



Dutch platform Electronic Commerce


European Union

Veniva: digitizing museum and library collections in Wien, Venice, Brussels



Ministry of Education

Representative of the Dutch Science Organization for Educational Innovation within the commission for the analysis of ICT trends



European Union

Initiative "Development of European Learning through Technological Advance", Project DELTA - COSYS



Reed Elsevier publishing house

Initiative "Development of European Learning through Technological Advance DELTA", Project DELTA - SAFE




Organisation of the advanced research workshop "Cognitive Technologies for Learning"



Ministry of Education

Preparation new European framework program for research and development



Twente School of Management

Presentation and Communication for the executives



National Expert Center Courseware development

Paperbased Journal and in combination with weekly broadcasting




 Preparation of the European launch of  a new consumer electronic product





American Educational Research association AERA

Establish new networks


© by Helix5

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